Window film applications protect your furnishings from fading, saves you money on heating and cooling costs, it helps with shattering glass breakage and protects your skin from harmful UV rays. However, some customers might be questioning if whether or not window film will harm their indoor plants. Well, it depends. In most cases, it won’t. Find out if window tinting affect indoor plants. Below is what you need to know:
Higher light transmittance window films are very popular. Our clear films block the harmful UV rays while allowing the doors and windows to look the same as before window film application. These are the type of tint that doesn’t affect your indoor garden. Your plants need blue and red lights. Blue light is related to chlorophyll production. Plenty of blue light helps them to have strong, healthy leaves and stems. Red light helps making plants flower and produce fruit. Since our clear films doesn’t block these rays your plants should be fine. Keep in mind, some colored films may block some of blue or red light, so make sure you choose the right film or place your plants in appropriate areas.
Dark window film and your indoor garden.
Dark window films are also very popular when it comes to fading and privacy. These films block some sun’s visible light and it’s not the best choice for areas where you are growing your plants that like sun light. Unless you have a grow light, these plants tend to not thrive indoors. Darker window tint can actually be a good choice if you have plants that need full shade or other delicate flowers, then you will be able to place them by the windows with no effect.
How about frosted window films?
As long as the plants are getting enough light, frosted tint have little effect on them. After your window film is applied, growth and flowering may be retarded in the initial days as the plants adjust. Sometimes plants are in constant, direct sun light which causes wilting, after the window film application the plants may actually thrive.
It is recommended that you move the plants to another part of the room (as a test) just to stimulate a less lighted area before the window film is applied. This test will help to judge what the potential effects might be. It is always wise to consult a local nursery for an advice, especially when it comes to exotic plants.
Window film benefits to my indoor plants
Generally speaking, the application of window film will not have an effect on the growth of most indoor plants, since tinting helps to keep out heat, especially during the summer or if you live in high temperature areas. Some delicate plants appreciate not being close to a hot and steamy window/door. Not to mention, removing ultraviolet light that can actually burn them.
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions. In addition, most local agriculture agencies or nurseries can advise you whether a specific plant needs minimal or maximal light.